A security patrol is a vehicle based service that rotates between properties and performs a set list of duties as specified by our clients. The patrol can be repeated as many times as required. This service can provide to our customers with the same basic function as an on-site guard performing patrols at a significant cost reduction.

Our access control officers bring a level of professionalism and customer service to your property. We work with you to adapt your site procedures and develop a complete set of post orders that addresses everything from officers ethical standards to your properties instructions regarding guests and vendors. You define and we enforce your rules and regulations.
Security - freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; confidence

We offer emergency response to your fire or entry alarms, as well as fire watch. Our officer will remain on site until appropriate measures are taken. We will respond with our road supervisor and report the situation to you in an effort to increase response times in critical situations. We will notify you in the event it is a legitimate concern so that you can decide what action to take.

Site evaluations and assessments are an opportunity for you to ensure you are not at risk and/or are getting what your current provider has been contracted for. We will complete a detailed evaluation of your property and/or security protocols and make our recommendations to you with a written report. Get the answers you need to the questions we can ask.